By Sally Cross, Life, Health & Menopause Coach, Master Herbalist.

As we approach and transition through our menopause years, one thing that is a common occurrence is weight gain, particularly around our middle, often with abdominal bloating as a bonus….
We note that there has been no change in our dietary consumption, nor in our exercise levels, yet the weight increases. So why might this be happening?
Some reasons to consider…
Hormone imbalances can cause weight gain, with fluctuating oestrogen and low progesterone, changes with insulin levels and resistance, and increased cortisol levels.
Stress is a major factor. If we are not managing our stress levels well, then this affects our hormone function and body responses. Stress causes increased levels of the hormone cortisol, our natural response in preparation for ‘flight or fight’. Many health problems occur when we stay in this state and it becomes a chronic condition.
Hot flushes and a racing mind can cause sleep deprivation which equates to stress, hormone imbalances and weight gain!
With stress, poor sleep, hormones awry, this can also lead to depression also.
Unhealthy food cravings, increasing desire for salty, sugary, high carbohydrate foods, results in an increase in size around our middle.
Disruption of gut function increases, with bloating, IBS, irregularities with bowel function.
So what can you do about it?
Improve your management of stress.
Improve your quality and quantity of sleep.
Improve hormonal balance.
Increase, adapt or change the type of exercise/movement you do.
Improve lifestyle.
Makes any appropriate changes to your diet:
Improve the nutritional value of the food you eat.
Find healthy substitutes for food cravings.
Avoid high processed foods.
Go organic.
Consider a plant-based, Mediterranean style diet.
Improve bowel function.
Be kind to yourself!
Sign up for my 12 week online menopause program, FemPower12!
Join me as I guide you through the program, tailored just for you. We will address stress and sleep issues, make any adjustments and improvements to diet, advice on appropriate exercise, offer suggestions for herbal medicines to ease your symptoms and reduce hormone dysfunction.