Grounding is a energetic phenomena one experiences when their bare skin directly connects to Mother Earth. To be grounded is to be energetically centered, to give your energy a point of focus. Life is all about balance and as earthly beings we truly belong in close quarters to the most natural areas of this planet. We simply are not meant to be indoors and wearing rubber soles every time we leave the house. Modern living has definitely limited the raw contact our bodies have to the earth below our feet. Our bodies starve to be in contact with the earth's electricity on a daily basis. The same natural dirt that provides us with a surface to live on, and space to grow our food charges our bodies with much needed negative ions. We all have energetic bodies and everything around us comes from pure energy. Today’s technology has a way of infecting us with “dirty energy” or energy that hurts us instead of helps us. Ironically it’s the positive ions that cause us the most harm. Exposing ourselves to more positive ions (electrical energy or dirty energy) then negative ions over a lifetime or less can destroy our health. The cure is the earth's natural healing powers. It’s free and easy to obtain. There’s no catch! Once our skin makes contact with the earth, those positive ions are neutralized and we are again in balance. Balance will support us in living well with good health and prosperity. Most importantly we will feel great! Why should we ground? Why not?! We have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Benefits Boosts immune system Helps you sleep better Lowers daily stress Reduces blood pressure Fight illness and disease Increases physical energy and strength Speeds up the healing process Drain away positive electrical build up Charges us with negative ions which come from the earth that our bodies need in order to stay healthy. Treats anxiety naturally. It found that earthing every day could improve inflammation, immune responses and wound healing. It also found that earthing could improve the quality of sleep, reduce pain, decrease muscle tension and lower stress.
