By Sally Cross, Therapeutic Life & Relationship Coach at Natural Change Coaching.

Lost in misery?
It may be a trigger reminding us of the grief, the loss or the trauma. It may be recent events that shatter our lives, putting life on hold, putting into question any future plans. It may be the chronic pain we are in, a health issue, or a challenging life transition that we are currently enduring. It maybe the realisation that time is running out…
We can feel disoriented and in disarray, our thoughts scattered, sadness has crept into the room, a darkened shadow accompanies us wherever we go. We’ve lost our way, not knowing which way to turn. Have we lost hope also?
Our old world has crumbled…
We cry, we scream, despair knocks on our door.
Our world seems out of control, but maybe all is not lost, perhaps we can hold on to a glimmer of hope. Can we?
We feel what we feel; emotions, unstable, unsafe, fearful, angry, numb, sad.
Acknowledge it, feel it, sit with it..
We cannot un-see what we have seen, un-hear what we have heard. Not experience what we have experienced.
But we can be here, now, in the present, with each other for support, today and moving forwards.
A new world is not yet visible, but it is out there, it does exist. We can never go back to the way things were, so we build anew.
Knowing this..we can find hope, we can begin the healing, the repairing, the rebuilding, the restructuring, forging the new path.
Breathe now; take that breath in deep, deep into your soul, take the breath out, long and slow. Repeat, not once, not twice, but for several minutes.
Feel your feet on the ground, connecting with Mother Earth, feel the energy rising up, enveloping you in the healing, nurturing powers of nature.
Observe your surroundings, seek out the beauty around you. What do you see?
We are strong. We’ve come through so much already. We will get through this.
We are survivors!
There is a crack, a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in. (Leonard Cohen)
Seek out the light.
We have cracked, from the fragmented pieces we will become whole again.
Embracing kindness, love, acceptance, tenderness, forgiveness, understanding, compassion for ourselves and for others.
We can mindfully take each step moving forwards, slowly, yet purposefully.
We can stay close to those who support us in this time of vulnerability.
We can support those who are in a vulnerable state and need us by their sides.
Let us walk this path together now, with courage, strength and conviction.
We will survive, we will grow, we will thrive, we will be magnificent!
Sally Cross, Therapeutic Life & Relationship Coach.
I am here to hold your hand, to guide you, to support you, to empower you!