Maybe not what you want to hear on a Michelle Lyons. Alcohol is bad news at menopause At perimenopause and beyond, women’s tolerance of alcohol diminishes significantly, hangovers get worse and at the same time the risks of problems associated with alcohol go up: alcohol is associated with worse hot flashes, especially if you add a little stress and insomnia into the mix speaking of sleep, alcohol may help you get to sleep but you probably won’t stay there or enjoy good quality restorative snoozing, which means increased likelihood of pain,weight gain, dementia and heart attacks! your liver recognises alcohol as a neurotoxin and prioritises dealing with it, rather than excess hormones (hello again hot flashes and mood swings!) alcohol is no friend to anyone with anxiety or depression, but is also linked to dementia, which already affects twice as many women as men, so if you’re already dealing with brain fog... ANY amount of alcohol increases your risk of breast cancer, especially if you’re overweight So as much as we’d like to believe those studies telling us to drink red wine everyday (but...the polyphenols !!) might be worth limiting that to once in a while. (If you’re worried about the polyphenols, just eat some ) Am I saying never? No, but...It’s about knowing the risks and making your own decisions (but maybe looking for other strategies for stress management or sleep aids?)
Want to know more about Menopause, how to reduce symptoms, along with recommended medicinal herbs? Then check out my FemPower program at Natural Change with Sally Cross
